Monday, December 28, 2020

Happy New year 2021 from IMTF. UK


                                               Merry X-Mas @ Happy Newyear 2021

Christmas dinner at the Rookery Hall, Cheshire with my family, for some reason or another we had a little fire, the party things ended up on a fire! We are all same and another drink was in order. Great service and a nice way to do Christmas dinner, no washing up!

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is not the world’s first pandemic, and it is unlikely to be the last. In recent years, there have been actual or potential pandemics in 2002 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus), 2009 (H1N1 influenza), 2012 (Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus), and 2014 (Ebola). The new normal seems to be an actual or potential epidemic every 2 to 3 years.
Loss of life is one devastating effect of regular pandemics and economic damage is another. Consider what happens to the economy if pandemics occur regularly. Close association of individuals with different perspectives is a key to productivity. Large, dense cities are the most innovative areas, and the most innovative companies are those that bring disparate people together. If cities become ground zero for pandemics, fewer people will probably choose to live in them. And with that will come a decline in national vitality.

Preventing recurrent pandemics is a major public health challenge. To meet this challenge, society will need to act domestically and globally.

Master Nick Brent: The President  IMTF UK 

                Wow, a little snow on my birthday! We goto Mow Cop, Cheshire/ Staffordshire.


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